Monday, May 4, 2020

Accounting And The Control Of Energy Costs Functioning †Free Samples

Questions: 1.What did you contribute in this project? 2.What did the other members of the group contribute? 3.What is your assessment of how the group functioned as a team? 4.What three key skills and attributes you have gained as a group member in undertaking this project? 5.What three specific team work strategies will you adopt in completing tasks as a group in the accounting profession? Answers: 1. My contribution in this project was preparing introduction part on accounting and control of energy costs which are used in the organizations for their better business functioning. There were several parts and levels which have been taken into consideration by me and my team members. I helped my team members in reading accounting standards and other applicable laws which helped in completion of accounting and control of energy costs project. My contribution in this project was related with the preparing introduction part on accounting and control of energy costs. It helped me to develop data analysis skills in effective manner. I used primary and secondary data sources for collection of data for this project. 2. There are several members in my group which played pivotal role in the completion of project on accounting and control energy cost, sustainability and external reporting and accounting and control of energy costs. The topic of accounting and control energy cost sustainability and external reporting and other topics of this report have been prepared by other team members. All members played their parts in effective manner. 3. This report is prepared on the basis of collective efforts of team members. All the group members of team had made collective efforts to complete this research. The Main intent of our team could be defined with the collaborative behavior with each others. 4. In the completion of this report I have gained several intents and skills such as I learned how to collect data and make analysis of same. I used several means such as internet sources, magazines and books to evaluate the critical part of this report project. Throughout this project, I learned to work in a team. I learned that a person could provide effective level of result if he works hard but people working in team could provide unimaginable result for the project. I also learned to work in pressure with broad level of thinking. I had to use my mind while collecting data. I learned to think in such a way like all other board of directors and managers thinks to run their company. However, throughout this project I learned these three skills attributes Working in team as team members. Critical thinking analysis and using smart way to accomplish set targets and objectives. Learned several accounting and cost functioning. 5. There are several tasks which have been adopted in the completion of this accounting and control of energy costs project. However, team members who are having good level of knowledge in accounting and costing will be indulged in completion of this report. There are several three strategies which could be adopted for completion of this project Meeting- All the team members could gather on daily basis to discuss the key points and action plan regarding to how to complete set projects Build up trust in other team members work- All the team members need to trust other members works and have to collaborate in their works. Cultivate open communication- All the members would be indulged in cultivating open communication between all the team members. It will help members to mitigate the possible problems.

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